Proof School Math Classes
Current Class:
- Exponents, Logarithms, and Trigonometry, Spring 2020
- Noncommutative Ring Theory, Fall 2020
- Point-Set Topology: Spring 2017, 2020
- Foundations of Logic, Spring 2019
- Theory of Continued Fractions, Spring 2018
- Group Theory, Spring 2018
- Combinatorics 1, Fall 2017-2020
- Number Theory 1: Spring 2017, 2020
- Axiomatic Theory of Numbers, Fall 2016
- Problem Solving 2, Fall 2016
- Algebra 1A: Fall 2018
- Algebra 1B, Spring 2018
- Exponents, Logarithms, and Trigonometry A, Spring 2017 / Fall 2019
- Exponents, Logarithms, and Trigonometry B, Spring 2019
- Introduction to Calculus A, Spring 2020-21
- Differential Calculus, Fall 2017
- Multivariable Caclulus A: Spring 2019
University of Arizona Classes
- Math 313, Linear Algebra
- Math 425b/525b, Real Analysis of One Variable
- Math 129, Calculus II, Spring 2015/2016
- Math 425a/525a, Real Analysis of One Variable
- Math 446/546, Theory of Numbers, Spring 2015
- Math 402/502, Introduction to Math Logic
- Math 125, Calculus I, Fall 2014
- Undergraduate TA Seminar, Spring 2014
- MATH 223, Vector Calculus, Spring 2014
- MATH 196N, Calculus II Supplemental Instruction Seminar, Spring 2012
- MATH 120R, Calculus Preparation, Fall 2013
- MATH 122A, Functions for Calculus, Fall 2013
- MATH 122B, Calculus I, Fall 2013
To see some information about my summer enrichment courses, check out Miscellaneous Math!